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Meet Our Talent

Christine Balbuena

International Assistant

“My advice to a potential new colleague is to always be open to face new challenges, since working in a foreign country with a different work culture from one’s home country can be quite a shock and can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.”

What three words best describe your life in Osaka? First in English, then in your mother tongue.

Fun, strengthening, & a blessing
Masadya, makabaskog, & pagpakamaayo.

How was Osaka in reality to what you had imagined before you started working in Osaka?

I never really had any sort of grand expectations or imagination on what Osaka would be like before coming to Japan. I've always seen it as place that I wanted to visit as a tourist and not a place where I can further venture into my career. So, everything about Osaka was certainly new to me. Since this is my first time being abroad, I had this mentality that no matter what comes my way, I'll just face it headstrong and without any doubt.

What is the most important thing that working at the Firm has taught you about yourself?

It has been a humbling experience. I have grown to appreciate the virtue of collaborative effort and effective communication. As opposed to giving up in the face of adversity, I have realized an inherent skill to adapt and accommodate irrespective of the circumstances.

How would you describe your co-workers?

Intense and very passionate in their work. The amount of dedication that they can pour towards into servicing our clients is very admirable.

What are the challenging or difficult aspects of your work?

Time management and efficiency. There should be a balance between the two because work output is greatly affected when one thing is compromised over the other.

Do you feel like you're having an impact directly on the clients that you work for?

Since becoming a member of the Annuities team, I have felt that I do make a direct impact for our clients since our team handles the end of the patent prosecution process. I feel a little sense of pride when the client would entrust us to pay the Issue Fee or Registration Fee for the grant of a patent/design application.

What is the best thing about being a part of a global team?

Being able to work with people with different backgrounds, culture and perspectives. It opens up a whole new outlook on your own ideas and you come to realize that the world has so much to offer.

What is your most treasured possession that you've obtained during your stay in Osaka thus far and why?

The relationships that I have formed with the people here, especially in work and in my church. Being away from family and friends really took a toll on me especially during my first few months here in Japan. But I was able to meet a lot of people here who I never imagined would have a positive impact on my stay here and for that, I am truly grateful and blessed.

When I am not at work, I am

just lounging around in my apartment (certified introverted home-buddy here).

I am looking forward to

visiting different places outside Osaka (if invited) and trying all sorts of food.

What advice would you give a potential new colleague?

To always be open to face new challenges, since working in a foreign country with a different work culture from one’s home country can be quite a shock and can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.

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