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Meet Our Talent

Pound Ratanabanthoon

Computer/EE Technology Specialist

“The most important thing that working at the Firm has taught me about myself is that as long I kept trying my best and not give up, I will eventually grow and improve to be able to do things that I was not able to do before.”

How was Japan in reality to what you had imagined before you arrived?

Japan in reality is quite similar to what I had imagine before, which is a beautiful country and full of unique and exciting things to do and explore.

How would you describe your co-workers?

Very friendly. Although I do not talk much, they are always willing to help and teach me various aspects of the job.

Do you feel like you're having an impact directly on the clients that you work for?

Yes, I believe that the work I produce directly impacts clients that I work for, since the work I do are being sent directly to the client and the decisions they make will be based on my work and analysis.

What are your 3 fondest leisure experiences in Japan?

They are walking around my local area and discovering new restaurants and shops to go to, drawing pictures in coffee shops near my house, and playing games with my friends.

What are the challenging or difficult aspects of your work?

One of the difficult aspects of my work is time management. This is because most of the work I do revolves around various deadlines, it is very important to properly manage time spent on multiple assignments to ensure that all assignments are completed on time with the highest quality.

What were the initial difficulties of adjusting to life in Japan?

My initial difficulties of adjusting to life in Japan mostly revolves around communicating with the local people. This is because I do not speak Japanese fluently, it is a little difficult to communicate and ask questions to local people.

I am looking forward

I am looking forward to experience more seasonal events and activities that Osaka has to offer.

What is the most important thing that working at the Firm has taught you about yourself?

The most important thing that working at the Firm has taught me about myself is that as long I kept trying my best and not give up, I will eventually grow and improve to be able to do things that I was not able to do before.

What is the best thing about being a part of a global team?

The best thing about being a part of a global team is being able to communicate with people from different parts of the world and see how their opinion and character differs from one another.

When I am not at work, I am ...

drawing sketches and pictures of TV shows and anime I am currently watching. I also cook and experiment with various types of food and ingredients at the local shopping market after work and during the weekends.

What advice would you give a potential new colleague?

My advice would be to try your best at this job, and as long as you do not give up, you will be able to grow and improve through this very unique opportunity and experience.

What three words describe the Firm best?

Client-oriented, perfectionist, and dedicated.
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